Prophet Alex Ayerota giving the prophecy during the church service
* As witches and wizards celebrate annual festival
By Jon Egie

A disturbing number of fatalities shall be recorded before the end of next month, April 2024; the General Overseer of Jesus Glory Healing and Deliverance Ministry, Prophet Alex Ayerota has revealed.
Speaking in a sermon during the church service last Sunday, the Cleric said the fatalities shall be the outcome of the festival of witches and wizards due to hold in the first quarter of the year.
During the festival witches and wizards will be directed to submit the names of illustrious sons and daughters of their families to be used as sacrificial lambs. Those whose names would be submitted by the witches and wizards may make the list of fatalities to be recorded.
He said victims of the spiritual attacks will die from sugar related diseases, some will sleep and not wake up, there will cases of fatalities resulting from accidents etc.
He called for prayers against the works of evil people in various families especially those who assume the role of Pharaoh and hold family members in financial and health bondage to set their victims free or face the wrath of God.
” If your enemy had succeeded yesterday he cannot succeed today. You cannot serve God and be complaining.
” I see families submitting people to be killed. It is feast of the witches during which they will submit the important persons in their families to be killed. Before the end of next month you will see how people will die. And we will put an end to those evil mother, father, brother who want to submit the important persons for sacrifice in their feast. Every king Pharaoh in our family must die.
Quoting Exodus 9:1-8, he commanded that by the word of God let all the children of God who are in captivity be set free from all their financial and health problems which make people sleep and not wake up.
” Every king Uzziah in your family fighting you, monitoring your life will die. As Pharaoh was stubborn so are some evil members of our family stubborn. Every power that sucks blood in your family and refuses to let you go, heaven will destroy them. Your case is different and you shall be an exception to the covenant and pattern of evil operating in your family; whether that nobody builds a house in your family or that no one marries, premature death, revolving poverty etc. Every man that is responsible for such will die. Any king pharaoh in your family must go down. If somebody wants to kill you and you do nothing he will kill you. If your mother wants to kill you and you fold your hands she will kill you. Demons need action to be scared, if king pharaoh did not see action from God he would not let the children of Israel go. Stand firm so that your enemy does not defeat you because the day is rough but God will help us
” From now till next month you will see people going down. The witches and wizards are about to celebrate their feast. Many people will be dying from accidents, sickness and other ways. Any witch here in the church understands what I am saying. They are about to celebrate the feast now, before next month they will start submitting important persons in their families for sacrifice in that feast. But your case is different. The calamity shall pass over you.
The reason I am telling you this is because in this ministry I will not bury any young person whether the enemy likes it or not.
Every power that hold you captive will die. If they succeed to stop others they will not stop you. I stop every such power. It is time for us to celebrate whether the enemy likes it of not.
If herbalist that serve woods can boast how much more we that serve the living God. Our enemy must submit to us those wealth and every good thing that they seized from you. Every enemy that signed that it is your time to die the Lord God shall destroy them as he destroyed king Pharaoh in the Red Sea. Enough is enough.” He reassured and further called for prayers against road accidents and plane crash. He also called for prayers against imminent cult groups fight that will claim the lives of so many youths.