By Jon Egie
Genera Overseer of Word of Life Salvation Ministry, Prophet -General, Abel Okwori has charged Christians to embrace the truth of life and live a prosperous life.
In a homily he delivered during the church service today, Sunday, October 31, the Cleric said to know the truth Christians have to fear God, know how to meet the desires of God and be careful of the words that come from their mouths.
“Jesus is the truth and light, if you don’t know Jesus you can’t know the truth. Prostitutes, armed robbers have no fear of God and do not know the truth.
“To know the Truth is to know what is good and what is bad. Whatever could offend you should be avoided for your neighbours. Let your yes be yes and your no be no, don’t talk too much, if you do you would lie and God hates lies.
” A liar is not stable. When you know God and you know the truth God will take over your life. Any man whose motion in life is in reverse does not know the truth, the truth releases men from the captivity of the enemies.
“Those who say we are children of Abraham and do not do the things of Abraham are liars. Abraham was not a wizard, armed robber, cultists. These people come to church and gallivant but they are liars, they are undoing themselves.
“Romans 8:1 states there shall be condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit…but we condemn ourselves and walk after the flesh and that is why witches and wizards afflict us because we do not know the truth of the scriptures.
“And for this reason, John 8:31-36 admonishes that you shall know the truth and the Truth shall set you free….
A farmer who was tired of working once told a lie to his wife that he saw an antelope wearing a skirt and the sight was an abomination, as such, he commanded his wife to pack up their working tools so they could go home. He could not stand to tell his wife that he was tired and needed to go home and rest.
“When they got home his elder brother asked his wife why they came home so early and the wife narrated the story of the antelope wearing a skirt. The older brother called the man to confirm the story but he only mused and confessed he was tired to work but did not want to tell the truth to his wife.”
The Cleric said the antelope wearing a skirt story of the farmer and his wife points to the deceit of lies and how it could be believed as truth but will be exposed as lies and liars are due for shame.
“The Truth shall set you free from poverty, sickness, oppression, promise and fail and all manner of failures and predicament.
“Couples should be opened to one another in truth and when you do that the family shall be stable and overcome all it’s challenges. Seek truth and righteousness of God and every other thing will be added to you.
Some parents goad their children to lie when they counsel them to be secretive on their personal resources which should not be disclosed to their partners. When the couple practice this deception through lies, the success and prosperity of the home is exposed to danger, the lies destroy peace of the family and eventually lead to divorce.
“Therefore seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness with truth and every other thing will be added to you; because God knows your needs.
“In Prob 1:7, the Bible says The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. The marriage bed is the most important place of the couple and they must respect the marriage bed which by no means no other person should lie on. The couple should be able to study the mad moment of each other and avoid provoking the partner. Couples should know the footmarks of each other and correct themselves if they are making a mistake.”
There was a mild drama when the Cleric asked how many women in the church ever returned change to their husbands from market money given to them for food. A chorus answer from the women declared that what they often got from the husbands wasn’t enough and they supplemented. At this the Cleric asked the deficit that they made up and whether they told their husbands of their contributions that was not refunded but rather they bore the grudge of insufficient food allowance that bit on their pockets. The women went mute.
“Women should free themselves from the burden of hiding truths, lying to their husbands because of food allowance. Throw away your double minds and tell the truth. You must know the truth and the Truth shall set you free.” The Cleric admonished.