Most Rev Cyril Odutemu
* Warns against consequences of violating Convenant with God
By Jon Egie
Arch bishop of Bendel Province (Anglican Communion) and Bishop of Ughelli Diocese, the Most Rev Cyril Odutemu has dissolved cash counting in the entire Ughelli Diocese.
The Bishop made the proclamation at the end of the Septuagesima Sunday service held today at the All Saints’ Cathedral Church, Ughelli.
In making the proclamation, the Bishop informed that the policies of the Anglican Communion are theocratic and therefore will entertain no complaints or grumbling about the matter.
He said he took the decision after due consideration of issues concerning the growth and financial well being of the church in the entire diocese.
He alleged that there were noticeable cases of theft of money belonging to the churches in the Diocese by those placed in charge of cash counting. Although he did not directly accuse the churches’ workers of malefesean but he said among the Twelve, there is a Judas.
According to him the sum N2.9 million went missing from the Cathedral alone not to mention other sums that have been unaccounted for in the smaller Churches across the Diocese.
Consequently, he said, cash counting in the Diocese has been dissolved and in its place, Offering wallet or Offering bags have been introduced.
He said all registered members of the Cathedral will be entitled to an Offering wallet which contains all collections and reflecting their registration numbers with himself bearing registration Number One. The Offering bags will be used only at the church where the Worshipper is registered.
“People are stealing in the name of God and they are coming to church. People are building houses from our church and it is no longer acceptable.” The Arch bishop said.
Earlier the bishop asked the Congregants to remember the convenant they entered into with God during Baptism and renewed at Confirmation of their faith and make effort not to fail the tests of the Convenant to avoid the wrath of God.
He gave the exhortation in a sermon he presented today at the All Saints’ Cathedral Church, Ughelli.
Referencing Deuteronomy 5: 1-21, the cleric reminded the Congregants that they willingly and consciously entered the Convenant and were marked with the sign of the Cross and declared a property of the Lord and drank the blood of the lamb of the Lord at the Eucharist.

He said just as Moses reminded the Israelites of the Convenant they had with God at Mount Horeb wherein they agreed to serve no other God and God spelt out His Commandments to them but the Israelites violated the Commandments and paid with their lives to the extent that only two of the crowd that left Egypt reached Canaan; so he had cause to remind the Congregants of the Convenant they have with God.
“There are convenants we made with God and the Church is playing with God. When the Jews violated the Commandment of God they paid with their lives. Of all the crowd that left Egypt only two reached the Promised Land.
“Unless you confess and repent those who fail the test of the convenant will be punished because on Judgment Day, the Lord Jesus will say, I know you not.
“Like the day of the wrath of God in the wilderness, everyone walking through the Cathedral and coming to take the Elements, be careful. God shall examine us when we fail the test of the Convenant.”