By Wilson Macaulay, Warri
Ugbokodo town in Okpe Local Government Area of Delta State was agog on Monday, August 30th as JESUS Holiness, ST DIKEJI DANIEL MIYERIJESU , The Demon Destroyer, The Bishop of The Whole World during his one day crusade ,opened and dedicated the Country home of Evangelist and Mrs Lucky Olukunyont tothe glory of God Almighty.
A mamourth crowd of members of God’s Grace Ministry thronged and filled the crusade ground with, other Christian believers, even as the Ugbokodo Community Exco and the entire Community cameo outenmass to welcome the visiting Father General ” whom God has used in the past to break the yoke of darkness from many communitiies in that area in particular and Okpe land in general.
ST DIKEJI DANIEL MIYERIJESU The Demon Destroyer aka Osu (THE WORLD LEADER) The Bishop of The Whole World in his exaltation/ Prayer of Deliverance titled: “JESUS is the key to God’s Blessings” and stated that Jesus is the only gate and source through which human beings can access true and genuine blessings that come from God.
ST DIKEJI DANIEL MIYERIJESU the renowned end time miracle distributor admonished the mamouth crowd of believers, the community Exco and the new converts that without Jesus the author of life ,mankind will get nothing from God, because Jesus is given a name that is above every other name as the only saviour of the mankind.
He explained that the way we cannot enter our own house without the Key to the door, that is the way we have Jesus as the expressway to God, stressing that any other way according to the Bible leads to calamity and damnation.
MIYERIJESU, The Demon Destroyer and Father General emphasized that he came to Ugbokodo to exalt the name of God Almighty and to demonstrate His power adding that the testimony of the blank cheque Jesus gave to Evangelist Lucky Olukunyon using his face, the Bishop of The Whole World is a sign that God is indeed behind God’s Grace Ministry at all times.

The Bishop of The Whole World,who quoted Col 2: 3, Rev. 3: 7-8, lsaiah, 61:7 supported with other relevant scriptures told the people to always have faith in Jesus Christ in whom alone every man can have salvation, wise counsel and understand how to become rich because all the good treasures of God are hidden in Jesus.
He stressed that he loves the people of Ugbokodo Okpe ,Jeddo, Ughoton, and human beings in general that is why he is always warning them, because any community which welcome idols will suffer disgrace while those which embrace Jesus will have light as the scriptures affirms that Jesus is the light of the World.
The Demon Destroyer declared that he is always praying for the whole world because that is the mandate Jesus gave to him and as such he will continue to focus on the distribution of the Word of
God and prepare the people for heaven untill the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, he concluded.
Evangelist Lucky Olukunyon, the Chairman, National Butchers Union, Okpe Local Government Chapter, who is a member of God’s Grace Ministry,in his welcome address/ Prayer Request during the opening and dedication of his country home, thanked God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit for making the day a reality.
Olukunyon the elated celebrant uniquely thanked ST DIKEJI DANIEL MIYERIJESU the servant of God who humbly submitted himself to be used as a vessel in our time to the glory of God.
He also recognized the presence of the First Lady, aka Mummy General, Evang. Mrs Ogheneyovwire Evelyn MIYERIJESU , His Lordship, RT. REVD. EVANG. Jesutekevwe Samuel MIYERIJESU, ADMIN. Secretary/International Youth President,GGM INC Worldwide , The Bishop assisting The Bishop of The Whole World,
Evang Lucky Olukunyon in the same vein appreciated SENIOR VENERABLE, REVD EVANG, Atiabokijesu Matthew MIYERIJESU, Assistant Admin. Secretary , Director of Media/ Sound Dept,all members of Board of Trustees, Members of Ministerital Council, The Venerables, the Priests, the Cathecist, the Planning Committee and others for their esteemed presence.
Olukunyon traced the Genesis of God’s Blessings upon his life
to a dream he had precisely in January 2011 where he saw Jesus Holiness, St. DIKEJI DANIEL MIYERIJESU, The Demon Destroyer aka Osu R’ Akpo Eje (The World Leader) Jesus Doctor, The Apple of God’s Eye , The Only Begotten Son of God, Founder God’s Grace Ministry Inc, Worldwide, The Bishop of the Whole World in his dream in a house were there were many people.
According to Evangelist Lucky Olukunyon, a woman walked up to him in the dream and said that the “Father General ” is calling him, then he answered the woman that he will be coming after changing his farm clothes, but suddenly
he had a voice of command from the Bishop of the whole world which said loudly to him, Lucky, were you not told that l am calling you?”
Going further he said: ” The Bishop of the Whole World told me in the dream that he came purposely for me and I was shocked. He asked me , what do you want and I answered that l need money. He opened his briefcase and gave me a cheque . No amount was written on the cheque , meanwhile I was thinking where will l cash the money, then the “Father General ” said l should go to the lnternational Headquarters of God’s Grace to cash the cheque. When l woke up l realized l was in a dream.”
Continuing, Evang Olukunyon explained:
“Right on my bed l was thinking about the meaning of the dream, and the Spirit of God ministered to my soul to start attending the lnternational Headquarters of God’s Grace Ministry Inc Worldwide for my Sunday worship .
“I obeyed and went there,in a twinkle of an eye money started rushing in, and the building the Bishop of the Whole World has come to dedicate today is the proof of the blank cheque he gave to me in the dream that I narrated”
Evang Lucky Olukunyon testified further in his welcome address/Prayer request saying :
” l saw the Bishop of the Whole World in my dream at the very position where l build my house now long before l ever thought of buying the land , and l heard a voice that called me , asking me if l remembered the dream I had when I saw the Father General in the very Place where l build my house today and l answered yes. Then the voice explained to me loud and clear that the reason why l saw the Bishop of the Whole World there in the land was because God wants me to know that He is going to bless me through The Bishop of the Whole World.
Bishop Jesutekevwe Samuel MIYERIJESU who moderated the program during the function led the gathering with a standing ovation to give special thanks to God the Father The Son and The Holy Ghost for always answering the prayers of the Bishop of the Whole World.
Comrade lsaac Oyovwevotu Kwenwa Adidi , the Chairman National Butchers Union, Delta State Chapter who spoke to the press noted that the geometric progress of Evang Lucky Olukunyon is nothing than the finger of God hence he organized all the Butchers to grace the occasion to glorify God Almighty who called ST DIKEJI DANIEL MIYERIJESU and made him the Bishop of the Whole World.
He acknowledged that the God of God’s Grace Ministry is a miracle Worker.
Comrade Pope Atunusha, the Secretary of National Butchers Union Delta State Chapter who also spoke concurred with the State Chairman that the finger of God is seen any where the Bishop of the whole world is organizing a crusade
From available facts in the public domain, particularly in the mainstream and social media we attest that the unique and spectacular work of miracles JESUS is doing through this humble servant of God in our time, is an affirmation the Bishop of the Whole World title bestowed on him by Jesus is an honor well placed.