Prophet Alex Ayerota presenting the sermon
* Harps on Vows, Tithes and First Fruits
By Jon Egie
Christians have been charged to make sacrifice of giving for the advancement of the kingdom of God on earth a habit.
General Overseer of Jesus Glory Deliverance Ministry, Prophet Alex Ayerota gave the admonition last Sunday during the church service.
He said without sacrifice the spiritual journey of a Christian is fruitless.
” Sacrifice opens the way for an individual. There are things you do and people will call you a wizard because they marvel at how you succeed. Before three poor men are called ritualists over a 100 rich men could have been so labelled.
But not all riches come from ritual sources. God bestows riches on whom he choses and the riches of God adds no sorrow. ”
In a homily titled “Tithes and Vows”, the Cleric recalled that he has in his possession cheques dating back over three years that people deposited in pledge but have not redeemed. He said the payment and redemption of First Fruits are essential for breakthrough in one’s life and asked the congregation to note what they could boast of as their contributions towards the advancement of the kingdom of God.
“That you are alive today whether you are rich or poor is a testimony. Some rich people pay dues to the Devil through medical bills for the restoration of their health. Note the case of Job, Satan took permission from God to afflict Job because of the hedge God built around him. God allowed Satan to test him but Job remained steadfast and faithful to God with a huge sacrifice.
Citing Leveticus 27: 30-32, he pointed out that all the tithes of the land belongs to God and that not everyone is qualified to receive tithes (Hebrews 7:5)
Prophet Alex said men are reluctant to make sacrifice and hence consume that which they ought to have used to honour God in Tithe.
It is this selfish tendency that generates the question, shall a man rob God as contained in Malachi 3 and the obvious anwer provided is that yes, men rob God in tithes and offerings and that is why they are “cursed with a curse”. He asked, “since men have eaten what belongs to God how can they prosper?”

The way out, he further admonished, is to bring all the tithes to the house of God and try God if he would not open the windows of heaven to bless the giver with so much blessings that there will not be enough room to contain them. And God will also rebuke the devourer from attacking you, and your investments shall be fruitful and people will call you blessed and hence be a Light to the people.
In reference to Psalm 15, the Man of God added that those who make sacrifice to God will never regret their action as they would never be moved by the viscititudes of life.
Speaking on the relevance of Vows, the Cleric said the making and payment of Vows to God is in a serious business ground and not a Circus for clowsn and fools and hence counseled:
” When you vow a vow unto God delay not to pay it for he has no interest in fools. It is better you do not vow than vow and not pay.(Ecclesiastist 5: 4-7)
He encouraged people to gladly fulfil that which their mouth spoke and promised while they were in trouble according to scriptural instructions contained in Psalm 66:13-14.
In a recap the prophet told a story of how a boy who was mad for 21 years and was also afflicted with epilepsy was healed in the church when they brought him .
“But his mother who promised to worship here if the boy got his healing never came again. When I even saw the boy sometime later he circled round me with his motorcycle, hailed me prophet prophet and zoomed away. They failed to show appreciation, gratitude and redemption of their Vows to God.
Honour the Lord with your first fruit he once more emphasized (Proverbs 3:1) with the recharge, “Don’t be deceived, giving makes way for you and opens doors of blessings for your endeavours.