Prophet Alex Ayerota
By Jon Egie
Christians have been admonished to hold fast their faith in Christ and serve God with all their hearts since no one can serve two masters at the same time.
General Overseer of Jesus Glory Healing and Deliverance Ministry, Prophet Alex Ayerota gave the admonition on Sunday, January 28, during a sermon he presented at the Church’s healing ground in Sunday worship service .
He marveled at how one could claim to be a Christian and at the same time be involved in celebration of festivals of satan.
” What you do not eat should not be shared with your teeth. You say if I do not pray to my forefathers all will not be well. You say give to Ceasar what belongs to Ceasar, you are wasting your time. Ceasar and your ancestors have nothing to offer. Christ has paid the price on the cross.
If you say you are Christian show the evidence of Christlike living. Do you gossip yourselves? Pagans fear the woods they worship, those gods which I kick about but Christians don’t fear God. Don’t continue to deceive yourself. Judas who sold Christ died before Christ. Why should you be gossiping your spiritual leader? Why consult the devil for help? Anything God cannot do does not exist.
” The church has turned to a market place of gossip. They gossip their spiritual leader and unless those who do that repent, peace shall elude them.”
Quoting Micah 5:11-15, he pointed out that the word of God has warned that God shall cut off witchcraft, “so you that is flying fast at night and in the day because of your husband, your wife, brother, sister, neighbour know that the wrath of God shall befall soon.
” Witches are very religious and prayerful but afterwards they visit covens to continue their evil practices. They pose as scouts and pilots to help the innocent chart a course for solution to their challenges whereas they are the people responsible for the predicament the innocent people are facing. Any evil man of God who uses charm to decieve the people of God shall be exposed.No man can serve two masters at the time, he would hold to one and despise the other. Christ is light and devil is darkness. ”
He told a story of a wicked witch in a neighbouring village who afflicted her own son with madness but was the person who took him about for a solution to the problem.
” The young man lived abroad and was the bread winner of the family. He provided all that was needed for the mother and other members of the family. But the mother afflicted him with the spirit of madness and took him from place to place seeking help and solution to the problem. When the siblings of the afflicted man came to me for help, God revealed to me that the mother was responsible for the predicament.
” I told them that the mother kept the brain of the man in an earthen pot which she hung in her room and that was the cause of the madness. I told them where to find the pot. The elder brother to the madman promptly got to the spot in their mother’s room, found the pot dangling in the air and without wasting time, pulled it from the suspension string and dashed the pot to the ground. Immediately the pot broke to pieces the madness left the young man and entered into their mother. She became mad and died shortly after.
” The operations of satanic agents are like the loud noise of an empty vessel but the works of God is silent and as in a full vessel, produce no noise.
” Those who worship idols and witches and wizards who manifest as false prophets shall be wiped out of the land by God, they shall no more be remembered.
“Don’t worry, the gold and silver are God’s and God will restore to you all that the enemy has stolen from you.” The prophet encouraged.